Be Careful What you Wish For

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

We had a choice of either, lasagne or stir fry, I chose the stir fry, I got it served to me and I also bought a drink, I ate it quickly, I didn't realise how hungry I was until I smelt the food!

After eating I decided to watch a film on the little TV, none of the films they were showing I'd heard of so I picked one at random and began to watch, it wasn't really interesting at all but I had nothing better to do! I stuck it out and watched it until it finished, it wasted a good hour and a half.

The time was now 10:25am, we had been flying for 7 and a half hours now and we still had another 3 hours of flight time and boredom was seriously starting to kick in.

I brought out the faithful kindle and began to read once more, the book was interesting and reading made everything seem to go a lot faster...

It wasn't long until I had finished the rest of my book, I looked up and looked around at the other people, they were all either sleeping or writing, these people were so wrapped up in their work life it had taken them over, I bet they never have fun, they look too serious to have any fun.

I turned to look through the small window again, the sun looked hot, we were flying over rural areas, buildings, some big some hardly visible from the altitude we were at.

I decided to get out my iPod and headphones...

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