Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

Mikey's mum came hurrying towards me, "Ooooo! Well aren't you a pretty young thing honey!" She clasped my face lightly in her hands, she studied me, her eyes darting around my face, the light shining on her glasses, she was smiling a lot, so was I. "Oh, you're just perfect..." she whispered before pulling me into a tight hug, I hugged her back, she pulled away and said "Well, Grace, it's very nice to meet you!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Mrs. Jackson!" I replied, I felt calmer now, his Mother was very easy going.

"Oh no, now now honey, call me Kate!" she said smiling, she patted me on the arm before retrieving her bags that Mikey had put on the floor and taking them to the kitchen.

I heard Cheryl begin to talk, "Hey Kate! It's good to see you again, well aren't you keeping well! Have you met Grace? Ain't she just a stunner?!"

Kate replied "Well hello Cheryl! It's nice to see you too darling! Oh, Grace is just lovely!"

Their conversation made me smile.

"Brace yourself!" said Mike in my ear, his brothers and sisters started to pile through the door.

"Michael, is this Grace?" A slim, tall, young women was stood in front of me, she was very beautiful, I smiled at her, she smiled back.
"Hey, I'm Rebbie, the oldest of this mad crew, and probably the most sane!" she came close and whispered in my ear, "If you ever want to escape and soak up some sanity you know where to come sugar, I'll talk to you later!" She was very cheerful.

"Okay!" I called after her.

"2 down, 9 to go" Mikey whispered playfully in my ear.

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