Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

He looked at me, sorrow and forgiveness in his beautiful eyes, "It sounds as if you're a very determined girl...what...umm...if you don't mind me asking...what, exactly did that Jason guy do to you?"

I took a long, deep breath and started to explain, "I met him about three years ago, a friend introduced us, we got talking, then we had a few dates, we decided to become a couple, everything was perfect to begin with, we moved in together and he got... controlling, never let me go out, never let me see anyone, but, whenever I tried standing up for myself, I either got verbal abuse or physical abuse, name calling, punching, kicking, bone breaking, the lot.
It was terrifying, I was only 16...I know...I know now that I was much too young to move in with him, but can you imagine having to lie to your parents about how you got that broken arm, or that black eye, having to make up a terrible excuse? They found out eventually, I managed to leave him after a year, it took some doing but I did it, and ever since then, for the last two years he's been tracking me down, asking for me back, as you witnessed on the phone, I guess I still don't know what it's like to have a loving relationship with someone..."

I looked at Mikey, a tear rolled down his face...

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