Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

I was so relieved he wasn't mad with me, because if he was I would never forgive myself!

I could do nothing other than hug him, I hugged him so tightly, he was doing the same, he kissed my head before we finally let go of each other.

I took his hand and pulled him out of the theatre, "Come on, lets try to not let that situation ruin the rest of our day."

We went back towards the rest of his family, they all quietened down once they saw us approaching but, I couldn't help but smile, everything was going to be alright!

Once the rest of them saw that we were okay they perked up and began to play fight and shout again, me and Mike sat with his sisters, well, we didn't really have a choice considering the fact they were beckoning me over and pulled me down to sit with them.

"What happened?!" Asked Rebbie.

"What did he say?!" Hissed LaToya.

"Are you two okay?!" Janet questioned innocently.

I smiled broadly, "Everything's fine, we're fine!"

Mikey joined the conversation, "Of course we're fine! She didn't do anything wrong, I had no reason to be mad with her!"

I heard all his sisters breathe out a big sigh of relief.

"Hey Mike?!" We all looked over to Randy who was looking at us.

"Yeah?" Mikey shouted back.

"So, your other brothers here, they asked me to ask you whether we could all stay here tonight?! They were too scared to ask you so they made me ask you..." shouted Randy, all his brothers unsuccessfully trying to shush him when he dropped them in it.

I looked at Mikey after Randy had asked, he rolled his eyes and groaned, "Oh do you have to?! I had plans!"

He did?!

"Aww come on Bro! You know how far away we live from you! We hardly get to see our own brother! The least he could do is give us pillow to rest our head on! Whatcha say Mike?! Please?" This time it was Jackie pleading.

I glanced at Mikey who had a But-I-Want-My-Own-Way expression on his face, which I found adorable to say the least!

"Please?" A quiet plea came from behind us, this time it was Janet, with a puppy dog expression. Mikey looked at her and sighed, he couldn't resist Janet!

"Fine! But he's in the Guest House!" he said, defeated and motioning towards Jermaine.

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