Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

He laughed in my face, "You think you know it all don't you, Dollface! Well here's one thing you don't know about, it's how I'm gonna undress this sexy, little body of yours and make you succumb to what I have ready to give you, look at me Dollface, I'm so much more good looking than Michael! You can do better than him, you can have me! I'm better in bed too! Mikey hasn't got any experience, gurls like you don't like men like him! They like men like me! Whatcha say Dollface, you gonna let me escort you to your bedroom where I'm gonna pound into you like there's no tomorrow?" He whispered, still blocking my escape.

I giggled, I giggled until I was in hysterics, this man was so pathetic it was hilarious!

I composed myself and looked at him sternly and said with a cold voice, "Look Jermaine, you don't know me, so you obviously don't know what kind of gurl I am and what I like in a man, because you...are not what I like. I know your type, you want to have sex with anything you like the look of, be that a human or not! But seriously, I am neither a hoe nor a cheat, Michael IS what I'm looking for in a man, I don't want to do better than Michael and quite frankly, I CAN'T do better than Michael,  I DO like men like him and his inexperience, believe it or not, is attractive to me, whereas on the other hand, men like YOU, who have too much experience because they sleep around all the time, come across as a bit of manwhore." My anger was about to boil over, I grabbed the collar of his shirt roughly and said in a gruff, quiet tone, "Now, if you even think about laying one vile finger on me you will have no dick left to fuck with as I will have kicked it so damn hard it will be in your stomach, but maybe that's a good thing eh? No more victims of Jermaine Jackson."

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