Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

His words touched me like no other, I can't believe out of the hundreds, maybe thousands of girls that were after him, I was the chosen one.
He was right, I didn't care about his fame, he's the one that I...loved?

I didn't know if I loved him, not yet, we hadn't even been an item for 24 hours, yet I'm already thinking about the possibility, I may be stupid but, maybe love at first sight really does exist?

We entered the kitchen, "Foods out there waiting for ya!" Cheryl chirped as we passed through to go out onto the amazing patio.

Dusk was falling and the patio was lit up beautifully, a warm glow cascading off of the fire, Michael led me to a small table, he pulled out a chair for me, like a true gentleman, I sat down, he sat down across from me and poured me some wine, the orange haze from the fire was reflecting onto his face, defining every dimension he had, he was mesmerising.

Cheryl had made us chicken tortilla wraps, they were delicious! It didn't take us long to demolish the lot.

Cheryl came out and cleared our empty plates away, we thanked her and she left, I turned to Mikey, he was looking at me longingly.

"Grace, I would like to..." he suddenly got cut off from what he was saying, the phone had begun to ring inside, he waited, hearing Cheryl answer it.

"Hello? Hey Mrs. Jackson! Michael? Sure! I'll go get him for you!"

Cheryl came waltzing to the doorway of the French doors leading to the patio, she poked her head out, a playful smile on her face "Michael, your Mother is on the phone!" she said with mockery and laughter in her voice, Michael stared at her, obviously unimpressed, he sighed loudly and got up from the table.

"Damn it!" he whispered, "Excuse me baby doll." he said sternly as he drifted past me.

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