Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

"Why you little..."

I interrupted him, "Save it Jermaine, save it for someone who cares about what you have to say. Because I don't, now let me go."

He smirked, "Oh, you're not going anywhere, the only place you are going is to a world of ecstasy once I get you to your room."

His hands moved from the wall and in a flash were gripping my shoulders tight, he pushed me in front of him with a lot of force, each of his finger tips digging into my shoulder blades, he began to push me towards the stairs, I panicked.

I span round and started to wrestle him, pushing him backwards with all my might using my knuckles and pressing them hard into his chest, it was no use, he was so much stronger then me, the only thing he didn't beckon on...was my loud voice, I began to shout and cause chaos and commotion.


He battled with my writhing body, he tried to get a firm grip of me but I was moving too quickly, but to my disgust he managed to pin my arms around my back with one hand and cover my mouth with the other so I couldn't shout any longer.

"Shush Dollface! Save your breath for the moans and screams of pleasure you'll soon be witnessing!" He said with an aggressive tone, "Now if you're not going to go up these stairs nicely, then I'm just gonna drag you up." And that's what he began to do, he spun us around, I was now facing down the long corridor that he had originally followed me down, I gasped as there, stood at the end of the hallway was a figure, I squealed in desperation and panic from behind Jermaine's hand, the figure moved, Jermaine's hands were still clung to my body with fright, he gasped in horror as the reality of being caught in the act had sunk in.

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