Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

The limo began to pick up speed, I looked out the window and I felt Michael's eyes on me, I turned round and looked at him, I could have been mistaken but he looked like he was staring at me with his eyes full of passion, he was looking my whole body over, even though he was aware I was looking at him, he had a slight smile and licked his lips once or twice, my heart was beginning to beat faster, this man was unbelievably sexy in everything he did!

I had to look away before I lost total control of myself, but I still felt his eyes travelling over my body, I decided to break the silence "So, what are we going to do in the month I'm here?" I asked.

He seemed to snap back into reality, his eyes shifted from my body and back to my eyes, his eyes softened and he flashed me one of his gorgeous smiles "Oh, now that would be telling wouldn't it! You're just gonna have to wait and see gurl, but I have some pretty good stuff planned for us, don't you worry."

I smiled at him, I just couldn't seem to keep my eyes away from him for more than twenty seconds! I couldn't hold it back much longer, I reached out and touched his hair, he seemed startled and slightly confused by my actions, "I'm sorry, I've been wanting to do that for years!" I said.

He laughed and said "Well, that's a first, I've never had someone want to touch my hair so badly!"

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