Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Michael's P.O.V.

I kept sprinting until I saw our golf cart parked up, but it was empty, damn, these girls could be anywhere! It's me against Toya, Janet and Grace. But, I am the water fight champion!

I crept around, keeping my wits about me, it wasn't long before I saw Janet, she was creeping across the grass, unaware that I had her in my sight, I began to jog behind her, catching her up with every step I took, she paused and swung round, she saw me and frantically began to shoot her gun at me, I was laughing hysterically as I dodged every line of water, she was screaming and laughing. I grabbed a water balloon from my bag, I threw it and missed! But she was still unsuccessful in getting me.

I grabbed another this time taking my time to aim, whilst still dodging her shots, I threw it, this time it hit her and burst on her hip. Victory!

She threw down her gun, "DAMN! It's not fair!" She kicked the gun and walked off in a strop, arms folded, I giggled as I picked up the gun, running after her and handing it to her, I think Janet gets her wild competitive streak from me as she was refusing to look at me, I laughed at her, "That's for shooting Tito and Randy!" I yelled as I walked away, I didn't get a response, she was going to be mad with me all day now!

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