Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I raised a suspicious eyebrow, Jackie began to quietly chuckle to himself whilst Tito carried on the intriguing story.

"So, we had periods of the tour where we would have no shows to do for a couple of days, with not much travelling in between, meaning we spent days cooped up in shared hotel rooms, so we devised our own fun, it was innocent when Michael was young, when we were all younger, y'know, pillow fights, hide and seek, it was good fun! It makes me smile just by thinking about those good times! But, as we got older, we all got girlfriends and lost some of our innocence...except for Michael. You see, when we did the Triumph Tour 3 years ago, and finished our Victory tour just a few months ago, we were in the same situation! We were bored! So we made up our own fun, so, because every one of us must have had at least one girlfriend and lost our virginity to some groupie or our Gurl, we'd had experience, and we talked about it with each other.
Y'know, talking about what we liked, what we didn't like, what got us going and stuff, but we felt bad, because Mike couldn't join in with us and we had questions to ask him but he didn't even know the answers himself, so we made a game, and let me tell you, us brothers are like different limbs to the same body, we are so alike inside, we just look different on the outside! When I think about what we did to Mike, we were pretty mean, we didn't hurt him or anything, we just embarrassed the hell outta him, poor soul!"

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