Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

My heart felt like it had plummeted.

So...I wasn't his first girlfriend?

I leaned back to look at him, "What?" I asked quietly. I began to remove myself from my straddling position. He stopped me.

He spoke, beginning to explain.
"Now, before you get all hurt and sad let me explain okay, I was on stage on one of the Triumph Tour concerts I did with my brothers a few years back, at the very end of the concert I made eye contact with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life, I smiled but, she didn't see, I never saw her again after that, I lost her in the crowd, that night I vowed I would never give up my search for that girl until I made her mine, but in the back of my mind, I knew it would never happen, there are billions of girls in the world, how was I supposed to find that one? I knew I was being silly, but she's always been there, lingering in my mind, until I saw sense and pushed her out of my head, and then thats when I found you, my life got a whole lot better when I realised I could have wasted my time finding that gurl, when I would have given up the chance of being with someone much much better than her, much more So don't get your little self worked up over it okay, I never spoke two words to that gurl, I never even got her name, the only thing I have is a stage picture, you can't see her face real well either, but, I haven't looked at it for years, she left my mind a long time ago. So believe me when I say, you are my first Gurl, Grace."

I smiled, I felt light hearted again to think I really was his first girlfriend, but that gurl that night must have had a real big impact on him, I wasn't gonna let it bother me though, I mean, it was a good few years ago that it happened, so even if Mike does see the gurl again, he wouldn't recognise her, she would have changed and aged by now...

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