Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

Mikey called out to his brothers who were messing around on the cobbled driveway.

"Yo!! You coming in or you staying out there where I'll set my animals on you and watch while you run away from them like sissy girls...again!"

"Woah woah hey! We're coming we're coming!" One of his brothers called whilst running towards the house, the other brothers following him in a single file line.

Soon they had all piled through the door, all in a line facing us.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Grace."

All at once his brothers started wolf whistling and saying cheeky remarks about me, I picked up on a few.

"Wow Mike! How'd you pull her?!" And "Wooooo that is foxy!"

Mikey turned to me and pointed in turn at each of his brothers, "So, we have Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Randy."

Each one of them then started to come up to me then go back to their place in the line, first was Jackie, he took my hand and shook it delicately, "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am!"

I replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you too...sir!" I decided to play back if they wanted to torment me, that might just get me on their good side, Jackie chuckled to himself and went back in line.

Next was Tito, he shook my hand aswell, "Hi, I'm Tito, you can call me Tito." he made me laugh, I heard all his brothers, including Mikey snicker at his comment too.

"I'm Grace, you can't really call me anything else either, but I'll let you use your imagination if you will let me use mine!" I replied back cheekily, I heard the rest of them all gasp and cheer at my comment.

"You got yourself a deal Missy!" Tito replied with a grin.

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