Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Michael's P.O.V.

I have to make myself look presentable for my family, especially my mother, she hated it if any of us didn't look our best.

I went burrowing through my closet, looking for something to wear, I finally settled on some skin tight black pants, red shirt and a thin black tie, I didn't want to wear my fedora today so I didn't roll my hair up either, I left it down, looking natural, it was getting long now, nearly to my shoulders.

After getting dressed I applied my intricate makeup to cover up the patches on my face and hands, I was finished.

I peered outside and was met by the gorgeous, gleaming sun, it was already burning hot, I instantly knew what to do with my family today.

I made my way out of the room and down to the kitchen, "Morning Chez!" I chirped to Cheryl, I tease her by calling her Chez, I know she doesn't like it.

"Well good mornin' to ya doodoo!" She replied, she knows I don't like being called doodoo by anyone but my family members, so she teases me with that just like I do with her.

I sat at the breakfast bar and watched her make the food, I always tried to help her make it, or try to help her clean up afterwards but she always bumped me outta the way with her butt saying, "Boy, you hired me for a reason, and nowhere in my contract does it say 'let your boss help' so I ain't gonna let you help! Woman in the kitchen here! No interruptions! Do you hear me?"
It always makes me laugh because she shakes her head and waggles her finger at me while she says it, I love Cheryl.

Not long past before I heard nifty footsteps coming closer, I watched and soon saw Grace walk through the door, she looked astounding, mesmerising in fact, seeing her this morning introduced flashbacks of the night before, my dream, what I was doing to her in it, then seeing her laid on the bed just in her pyjamas, I wanted the dream to come true.

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