Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

He was bent down getting something out of a drawer, all he had on was some shiny, extremely tight, black trousers.

My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets as I had a clear view of his peachy butt, I couldn't help but stare and bite my lip.

He heard me and turned around, he saw my reaction and had smug smile on his face. He strolled towards me, I noticed he had on a huge silver belt buckle. He peered at me through slanted eyes, a slight duck face beginning to appear. "Mmm well don't you look sexy" he growled.

My heart fluttered, "I can say the same about you" I said back, he giggled, he had left his long ebony curls down, he looked particularly sexy!

He took my hands, bringing me in closer to him, he walked backwards and sat on the bed, I was stood between his legs, he was now at the perfect height to kiss, I couldn't waste that chance.
It looked like he didn't want to waste it either. He clasped my face in his hands and kissed me softly, he started to kiss me harder, I felt his big hands grab my ass, he pushed me further into him, deepening the kiss.
Our tongues exploring each others mouths, after a few minutes he started to whimper softly, almost silently, he slowly broke the kiss, I looked at him, he seemed to be in severe discomfort.
"What's the matter?" I asked, breathing quickly.

He looked at me "Nothing..." he said quickly, he smiled and started to kiss me again. He moaned in pain, slightly loader this time and broke the kiss once again.

"Mike?!" I said with my head cocked to one side.

He laughed a little, but was doubled over clutching the huge belt buckle that he was wearing...

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