Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Michael's P.O.V.


We all turned around to see Cheryl calling us from the patio, food was ready! Great, I was hungry!

My brothers cheered and sprinted towards the kitchen, as did my sisters, I hung back with Grace, embracing the feel of her fingers interlinked with mine, she pulled me into her, our chests pressing together, she went on tip toes and kissed me gently, we smiled at each other, her sweet smile made my heart flutter every time I saw it, it was magical, it really was.

"You know...all my brothers like you right? They think you're very good looking! And it makes me even more proud to call you mine..." I said, I meant every word.

She smiled that beautiful smile at me and answered bashfully, "Yeah, I kinda gathered that..." she ran her finger down my chest, "But I want you to know that you're the only one that I'll ever want." she said with honesty, it made my heart feel warm, this gurl...MY gurl, was really something special and I adored her.

"Mike, you know how you wanted to make you brothers jealous? Well, I'm up for that, and I think I've devised a cunning plan! Not only will it make them jealous, but it will also show them that you're the only one I'm interested in!" She sounded excited.

"Go on gurl! I'm listening!" I was intrigued by her plan!

"It's nothing complicated, we just act more intimate around your family, y'know, kissing, hugging, touching, holding each other, to make it obvious that we're into one another, whatcha say? You in?"

I thought for a few seconds, it was a genius plan but I was embarrassed of doing that around my family, but if I did do it, it would also prove to Grace that I'm not afraid to show how much I like her in front of my relatives.
We started to walk towards the house, ready to go and get some food.

I kept thinking about the plan and before we entered the kitchen I turned to her, we were stood in the doorway, in clear view of everyone in the kitchen, I lifted up her chin and gave her a deep, intimate kiss, I broke away and looked into her eyes before whispering in her ear, "I'm in."

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