Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

"Why me?" I managed to choke through tears "Why am I the chosen one?" He answered quietly, his voice full of sympathy "Please, don't, don't cry Grace, you see, a week ago, I happened to be looking through the fan site, I do that now and again, I stumbled across your account, I saw your picture, I instantly thought you were a very beautiful girl, after, I kept visiting your account, until, I finally dared to make contact, I just had to speak with you, after that I enjoyed your presence! I wanted more, that's why I asked you to call me"

Faster, bigger tears were rolling down my cheeks, I was almost sobbing, pure happiness, mixed with confusion and disbelief, I was still finding it hard to believe it was really him although I so badly wanted to. I managed to speak "Really? Is that the truth?" he replied, "Nothing but the truth girl, I w...I would really like to get to know you better, would you give me the pleasure of speaking to you, every night? At this time?" I almost screamed, the tears were being over taken by the excitement building up inside of me, I began to grin, "Yes! I would absolutely love to speak to you every night!" I heard a giggle "Good!" he said "I'm already looking forward to it! Look, girl, I'm real busy and I'm gonna have to go, I'll call you tomorrow, bye grace!" "Bye!" I say, the phone cuts off, I stand there, frozen, not able to move, did I just speak to THE Michael Jackson, does he really want to speak to ME eveynight?! This is getting way too much......

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