Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

He was staring blankly into space, his bottom lip trembling, sniffing on occasions, he wouldn't look at me, but I knew he was welling up. Warm, salty tears started spilling over the brim of his gorgeous but sorrowful eyes.

He was laid, propped up by pillows on the bed, his legs stretching out.

"Mikey? I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to affect you like this..." I whispered whilst moving to sit on his thighs to face him, as I did he lifted his left arm and put it over his eyes, powerful, short sobs began to emerge from him, rocking both our bodies.

"Oh god, no Mike! Shush, look at me, I'm still here, I'm happy, I'm fine!" he didn't react, he kept on crying.

I put my hands on his stomach, feeling every saddened sob that erupted from him, I stroked it, comforting him, trying to get him to stop crying, it worked...eventually.

After a few minutes or so he composed himself enough and managed to remove his tear-drenched arm from his tear stained face, the odd tear was still escaping from his pained eyes, he looked at me, I gave him a reassuring half smile, he attempted to smile back, he sat up, I was still sat on his thighs, this brought our faces extremely close together.

I lifted my hands and placed them on his neck, using my thumbs to wipe away those distraught tears, he sniffed and moved the loose, free falling curls out of his face, he attempted to speak, his voice cracking and wobbling, trying not to cry, "Listen to me..."

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