Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Michael's P.O.V.

I looked her body over, up and down, top to bottom, left to right.

I looked at my hand, the one I'd just held her's with, remnants of blood was on my hand, she was bleeding.

This was only supposed to be a game! No one was supposed to get hurt! Yet...she was bleeding.

My heart wrenched, I felt as if I'd let her down again, how I vowed to protect her no matter what, and I'd failed, again!

I felt sick, seeing the blood on her fingers, the blood through the hole in her swim suit and the large cuts on her outer thigh.

"What the hell happened to you?" I whispered, my eyes were wide, I was shocked, how did this happen?!

She shrugged, still seeming to be her happy self, "Oh, I got stuck on a thorn bush! It wouldn't let me go, I tried struggling, which is when I cut my leg, then I tried to untangle myself with my hands, that's when I cut my fingers, so I just tugged it...and it ripped..." she was giggling, how could she find this funny?! I felt terrible!

"Well are you hurt?! Does it sting?!" I asked, frantic now.

She smiled, "Well of course it hurts Mike, there's blood on me, but, I've been in worse pain!"

Just then Toya ran over, "GRACE! GRACE!  WE DID IT WE WON!"
She and Grace high fived they were laughing.

I felt no joy, partly because my unbeatable record had now been beaten, but mostly because my gurl was hurt.

Suddenly I felt her hands pin my hands behind my back she began pushing me, holding me hostage.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, bewildered.

She replied, "I'm gonna show my kill off to your brothers!"

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