Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

He stormed off, everyone was staring at me, I ignored them, I couldn't believe what had just happened, I walked to my desk and packed away all of my belongings in silence, once I'd finished I made my way out of the building to my car, I put my stuff in the boot and started to drive home, when I got there I unlocked the door, dropped my things onto the floor and locked the door behind me, I slumped upstairs, went into my room and sat on the end of my bed, different thoughts going crazy inside my head, after a while I pulled myself together, got up and stood in front of the mirror, I thought to myself "Maybe loosing this job isn't such a bad thing after all, I hated it, I hated the people there, I just couldn't stand it!" a slight smile was beginning to spread across my face, I said to myself "This is my chance, this is my chance to turn over a new leaf and to work for what I really want to achieve in life" I looked at myself in the mirror, looked at my hair, my sense of all needed to change!
I walked into the bathroom and started to rummage around in the cupboards, "Yes!" I said to myself, I'd found it, I'd bought a hair dye a while back but I was too afraid to use it as I thought it might go wrong, but I didn't care anymore, I was going to use it, I looked at the colour, it was Ebony Black! I mixed together the dye and began to lather my hair in it, after, I waited half an hour, washed it off, dried and straightened my hair and looked in the mirror, it was perfect! Then I had an idea......

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