Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I nodded and started to walk to one of the many doors on the limousine, I opened it and slowly slid myself onto one of the luxury leather seats, to my astonishment there was somebody else in the limousine too, they were instantly recognisable, they were grinning, showing the most beautiful pearly white teeth, his eyes bright and sparkling with happiness...Michael was at the other end of the limousine! I was smiling so much my cheeks began to hurt.

He finally broke the silence, "You actually came! I cant believe you came! I'm so glad you accepted my invitation!" he started to edge ever closer to me until he was sat next to me, his perfect scent drifted towards me and I remembered just how much I liked him.

I replied "How could anyone turn down an offer so good as this one? Only a fool would do that!"

He was very good looking, wearing a loose white T-shirt, tight black jeans and his loafers, he had let his black curls roam free, it wasn't tied back and he didn't have a hat, his hair was so perfect!

He chuckled and I smiled harder, then Ray got into the drivers seat of the limo and we began to drive off.

Michael looked at me "I can't wait to spend the whole month you Grace, I feel truly blessed."

I leaned in close and hugged him, he hugged me back "I cant wait to spend a month with you either!" I said to him, still smiling...

"It's about an hour until we reach Neverland girl." he said.

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