Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

After talking to 'The_Man_In_The_Mirror' for another hour or so, I began to enjoy speaking to them but I realised that the time had slipped away and it was getting late, it was 00:15am. I decided to go up to bed so I typed in a message to 'The_Man_In_The_Mirror' which said "It's getting late, I better be off to bed!" They then sent a message back saying "What time is it where you live? It's only 4:20pm here in California" I then sent a message back, "I live in England, it's 00:15am here". Just before I was about to close down the laptop another message appeared, once again, from 'The_Man_In_The_Mirror' saying "Would you do me the honour of speaking to me again tomorrow? I get kinda lonely sometimes and I enjoy talking to you very much so."
I smiled to myself as I read the message, I was beginning to like this person even more, I didn't even know a single thing about them! I typed in one last message to them saying "I would love to speak to you again, same time tomorrow?"
They sent their last message which read "Yeah, same time tomorrow" and with that I closed down my laptop and heaved myself up my stairs and to my bathroom, after getting a shower and putting on my pyjamas I climbed into bed, after a short while my mind drifted towards the thoughts of the conversation I'd just had with 'The_Man_In_The_Mirror', talking to them felt different, I felt comfortable when speaking to them, I wanted to know more about this user, I decided to set myself a task, when I speak to them tomorrow, I'm gonna find out as much as I can about them, I might even find out something I wouldn't expect......

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