Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

About 15 minutes later Mikey returned, he looked nervous about something.

He sat down, "I'm really sorry about that, it was my Mother..." he said whilst smiling.

"It's okay!" I said.

"Listen" he began to speak, he reached over the table and took my hands in his and looked me dead in the eyes, "For years now, my Mother has tried setting me up with all these girls, she's made me meet a lot of them and, well, I've not been interested in any, my Mother called to say she had someone she wanted me to meet, but I refused, saying I already have a girlfriend, I told her about you, and erm, she wants to meet you!"

"Woah really? That's great!" I exclaimed, feeling slightly panicked.

He shifted nervously looking around, "Erm, so here's the deal, erm, what I'm trying to say is, my whole family are gonna visit tomorrow, they all want to meet you, I know we've only been an item for a day, and it might seem too early to meet my family, but, I-I feel we are going to last for a long time, I already feel like its a good time for you to meet my family!" he was smiling.

I was shocked, did he really want me to meet his whole family? Already?! We've only been going out a day! Is it too soon? But I didn't wanna let him down! "Of course I'll meet your family!" I said smiling, but feeling scared.

His face lit up with happiness, "You will?!" he said enlightened.

"Yeah!" I said.

He squeezed my hands, intertwining his fingers with mine, he was smiling, then he said with a hushed tone, "Okay, umm...there's something I need to warn you about..."

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