Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Michael's P.O.V.

I watched and felt her fingers drift over my revealed skin that I was still conscious about and that I perceived as ugly.

I didn't like to look at it but she made me feel a little more confidant and I didn't mind her seeing it, this surprised me as I thought I would be forever hiding my body away from people.

I thought about stopping her from what she was doing as her delicate fingers were now sweeping along the length of my naked groin.

Oh my god, I couldn't take this, what was she doing to me? She sends my senses soaring... I was beginning to get goosebumps from the sensation, my crotch was tingling with anticipation, she made me want her, need badly.

I'd never felt like this before, I'd never had a desire for sexual contact before.

I watched as her fingers left my groin and went down towards the zipper on my pants she took a hold of it and began to unzip it, ever so slowly.

I panicked, What was she going to do? My heart was still beating uncontrollably quickly, I couldn't do this any longer.

"Stop!" I whispered loudly, I was panting and sweating, I grabbed her hand to stop her from undoing the zipper anymore, I took her hand in mine and tried to calm down.

She looked up at me and I looked into her innocent eyes, I let out a long, deep breath, I licked my dry lips. I had to tell her. I forced the words out.

"I...I'm scared"

Her eyes widened, "What of?" she asked.

I collected my thoughts together before answering her the best I could.

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