Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

"Just tell me the game already!" I was starting to get impatient, I wanted to know what happened!

Tito raised his eyebrows, "Alright! Okay! So, one night, we were stuck in a hotel room, me, Jackie, Marlon and Jermaine were talking about sex and stuff, what we liked and...y'know, and Mike was just in a corner, listening, we could tell he wanted to join in but he couldn't because he himself didn't know what he liked, so we put it upon ourselves to find out, didn't we Jackie?!"

Jackie nodded in a agreement, still smiling widely, "Uhuh!"

Tito continued, "So we, we umm, we kinda ganged up on him, we surrounded him, but he didn't fight us off or push us away, it's like he wanted to know himself, we called the game 'What Makes Mikes Motors Revved?' Now Missy, I know what you're thinking, and no, we didn't sexually harass our little brother, that's disgusting."

He and Jackie began to laugh hard, eventually he carried on, "Now we know we all have an awful lot in common, so we each took it in turn to do something to Mike that got our Motors running to see if it got his going too, but we didn't take it all the way, we didn't carry it on until he was, umm, y'know...we knew it had an effect when he got goosebumps, that was all the evidence we needed, and, let me tell ya, each of us were successful in giving Mike goosebumps with something we did, there's a lot, Mikes easily turned on! And don't worry, we didn't touch his dick or anything, that's your job! It was all on the top half, on the outside of clothes, so only you can find out what turns him on down there!"

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