Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I stood up quickly from behind the thorn bush I was hiding behind, I watched, making sure that when I ran out Mikey wouldn't be able to see me straight away.

I saw my moment and attempted to run, but my swimming costume was caught on the thorns! I tugged and tried to run again but it was no use, I tried to get it untangled with my hands but the thorns were too sharp, they were cutting my fingers.

"GRACE!" I heard Toya shout in distress.

I couldn't shout back because then Mike would know I'm near, but I couldn't help her because I was stuck! I tugged and pulled at my swimming costume, the thorns were cutting my hip and leg, making them sting and bleed the more I struggled. I tugged one last time, the thorns gave way, ripping a hole in my swim suit in the process, I looked at my cuts and the blood oozing out of them.

"GRAAACE!" My mind was quickly taken off the pain as I heard Toya shout again.

I ran out from the forest land and onto the grass, I saw Mike chasing Toya, they were a long way ahead, surely by the time I caught them it would be too late for Toya, but the least I could do was try.

I began to sprint, only ever stopping to shield myself from Mikey's view, eventually the gap between us had closed, I waited behind a tree until I could get behind Mikey, my chance came and I bolted, running and running until he was in shooting range, miraculously he still hadn't noticed me, it was a miracle that I had caught them up, my throat burned with exhaustion, the cuts on my leg stinging and the blood flow wasn't slowing, but I pushed these discomforts away and focused on winning.

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