Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I went downstairs, brought out my laptop and began online shopping for clothes, I seriously needed to change my style, I'd always loved the rock chick kinda look, I wasn't into girly dresses, I was quite tomboyish. I began looking, I stumbled across a few items of clothing that I liked, black skinny jeans, white T-shirts, leather biker boots, checked shirts, denim shorts, I also bought two big metal belt buckles, I really liked them, suddenly, I came across a gorgeous black leather jacket, it had zips and buckles on it, I fell in love, I looked at the price, it was expensive! "£150 for a leather jacket?" I said to myself, I pondered about it until I thought "Why not! I'm gonna treat myself!" I clicked buy.
I was shocked when I looked at the time, it was 4:45pm, just then I received a message on my laptop, I was delighted to see that it was from 'The_Man_In_The_Mirror', the message said "Hey, I've been looking forward to talking to you!" I found I had a huge smile spread across my face, before I could type in a response I received another message, it read "Can I just say that, you are very beautiful" my cheeks flushed red, they had obviously looked at my profile picture on the fan site, unfortunately, I couldn't even tell whether 'The_Man_In_The_Mirror' was a male or a female as they had a photo of Michael Jackson as their profile picture, I then thought to myself "It's time to find out some information about this person, this is it, let the questioning begin"......

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