Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

He gripped the bottom of his sodden T-shirt and began to lift it up, revealing his flat, toned stomach, then his divine, muscular chest, then he took it off completely, leaving his wet strands of black beauty sprawled across his face and neck.

Once his shirt was all the way off he threw it near the sun loungers where the rest of our belongings were, I watched him turn around to face me again, he was blushing, he was embarrassed.

I couldn't help but stare at the utter perfection that was standing before me, the delicious caramel tint to his skin was gorgeous, he had the ultimate dancers body, muscular and toned, he had abs and sexy ones at that, I just wanted to run my finger down them, I looked up, his collar bones were slightly prominent, jutting out from his skinny frame, I don't know why he was so ashamed, the patches were hardly visible, it didn't alter my opinion on the drop dead gorgeous sex god that was in front of me, I've already accepted its a part of who he is, and seriously, he is someone that shouldn't cover himself, with a body like this, well, it deserves to be flaunted.

I struggled to break my eyes away from him, but the feel of his huge hands around my waist again brought me back to reality.

"Don't stare, it makes me conscious..." he said nuzzling his face into my neck.

"I wasn't staring, not for any bad reasons, because there isn't any, I was simply admiring the view. Michael, you're perfect, why can't you see that, there is nothing to be ashamed of! Nothing!"

By now he was making me weak at the knees, I could feel his hot breathe on my cold neck, sending shivers down my spine, damn, he might not know he's doing it but he turns me right on.

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