Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I already really liked Cheryl, she was awesome! She was your typical boisterous character, she was a big African American woman, it was clear she looked after her appearance! She had on a bright floral dress, and an apron on over the top, her hair was in braids and she had different coloured beads in it, it was amazing! She had big loop earnings in that jangled when she walked, she looked really nice, I'd already noticed she was always quietly humming or singing to herself, she was so likeable!

I looked back over at Michael, I tapped him on the shoulder "Michael?" he slowly took away the fedora from his beautiful face, he was still pretty red and had his eyes closed, eventually he opened them and looked at me.

"I'm so sorry about that!" he said.

"Sorry about what?" I asked.

"That situation!" he said whilst waving his hands in the air and looking at Cheryl.

I laughed again, "Don't worry about it, it was hilarious!"

"It was embarrassing" he said.

"Just forget about it! Eat your breakfast before it gets cold!" I exclaimed.

"You tell him gurl!" shouted Cheryl from across the kitchen, she had her back to us as she was washing up, wiggling her butt to a song that was playing on the radio.

I laughed again, this time Michael let out a little giggle too, before putting his head in his hand and shaking his head, still smiling.

Cheryl had made us pancakes, with butter, syrup and blueberries, it was the best thing! I ate it all, so did Michael, after we had both finished we left the breakfast bar, on the way out of the kitchen I shouted "Thanks for the breakfast Cheryl! It was great!"

She replied "No problem sweetie!"

Michael led me out to the hallway "Now, would you like me to show you around Neverland? So you can get to know whats gonna be your home for the next month?"

"Yes!" I replied whilst nodding enthusiastically.

"Well come on then gurl!" he said, smiling that gorgeous smile.

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