Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

I had already fallen in love with Mikey's family, they were just like him, they were amazing.

I walked over to Marlon and he handed me an open bottle of beer, he winked at me then laughed, I giggled at him and raised an eyebrow, we both chuckled together.

I began to tour around the kitchen, I was noticing everyone was casting glances at me, it made me feel a little conscious but I didn't think about it.

"Missy!" I heard someone shout, I turned around not knowing who was being called, Tito, Jackie and Randy were waving at me, beckoning me over to them.

I went over, "I gather that 'Missy' is my nickname then!?" I said to Tito.

He laughed, "You got it gurl!" He replied, I still needed to think of one for him.

"Now, umm, we're planning on asking Mike if we can stay the night y'know, do you think he'll let us?" Asked Jackie.

I giggled, "I don't know! He's your brother!"

"Yeah we know but, we wanted to see if you'd ask him for us!" Hinted Randy.

"Seriously! You can't even ask your own brother a simple question!?"

"He gets mad real quick! I don't like Mike when he's mad! He scares me!" Tito hissed.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "You're a real sissy Tito!" I paused, "Sissy, hhmm..." I looked at Tito then laughed to myself, "Sissy, it suits you, I think I'll call you that from now on!"

His eyes grew big, "No! Please! I don't wanna be called that!"

"Tough!" I teased, Jackie and Randy were laughing at him, he looked mortified!

I took a swig from my beer and put it down on the kitchen counter, "I'll be back in a bit" I said to the boys.

I began to walk out of the kitchen to the bathroom, as I was walking along the long, dim hallway, I heard footsteps behind me, following me, I smiled thinking it was Mikey, I turned around, I was wrong.

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