Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

After packing my clothes I began to pack other essentials such as makeup, hair brush, facial cleansing wipes, hair dryer, hair straighteners, deodorant, hair spray and toothbrush.

It was a bit of a struggle squeezing all this luggage into a smallish bag, but I did it in the end.

I carried the heavy bag clumsily down the stairs, at the bottom Tito had seen me, he ran up the remainder of the stairs I hadn't climbed down and took the bag off me.

"Here, let me get that for you Missy!" He volunteered.

I giggled, "Thanks Sissy!"

Me and Tito made our way into the kitchen, when I entered everyone was in there, they all began to say good morning to me and I said it back.

I went over to talk to Janet, I greeted her, "Hey!"

"Hey Grace! Ugh, gurl, when am I gonna see you again?!"

"Yeah Grace! When are we all gonna see you again?!" Jackie butted in, he must have overheard our conversation.

Then everyone heard Jackie asking, and they all began to ask the same thing.

"Look! I don't know! I'm sorry, I really can't wait to see you all again either, but it's up to Mike..." I explained.

"It don't have to be up to him, we can see you without seeing Mike..." Jermaine answered.

Everyone went silent as his answer seemed unacceptable and everyone knew he wouldn't stop until he had me alone.

The silence was interrupted by Joseph coming in through the door, "Okay everybody! Time to say goodbye. MICHAEL?! Get down here boy!" He shouted.

Michael was here in the kitchen within a blink of an eye, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the doorway onto the cobbled drive of Neverland.

There we waited and began to say our goodbyes to everyone.

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