Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

"Now you either do what I say or you'll have no choice in the matter anyway, you hear me?" he threatened, his voice a violent whisper.

I had no patience for men like this, he didn't know what I'd already been through, he didn't know that I knew every trick in his disgusting book, he didn't know that I knew how to stand up for myself, he didn't know that I was once a victim, and it was never going to happen to me again.

He was now bent over on my level, his face purposely close to mine, I gave him a cold stare, and said, once more, very slowly, " you."

His eyes were vicious, he knew exactly what he wanted and he wasn't going to stop until he got it, well, we would see about that.

Once again I began to walk away, but this time I felt his strong hands grip my shoulders, he pulled me back with a sharp tug and shoved me forcefully into a wall, I banged my head hard and went dizzy for a moment, he wanted to dominate me and scare but he was just making me even more angry, I wasn't scared of him, I had been through a lot worse.

He blocked my escape by putting both his hands on the wall either side of my throbbing head, he leaned in close, his breath tickling my cheeks, "Well it looks like DollFace has chosen the hard option, I don't mind though, I like feisty gurls." He came even closer, "You're gonna be my first British gurl..." he said with a snicker.

I snapped back, "I'm not gonna be your first anything!"

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