Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

That's probably scared Mikey off now...great.

"So anyway! Foods ready!" said Cheryl, trying to change the subject.

Breakfast was eaten in silence, it was really awkward, I finished my food before Michael so I got up and left, I walked through the French doors and out on the patio, the roasting sun hit my skin, it felt so good to be out of England.

I heard footsteps, I spun around and there was Mikey, he now had aviators on, his hair was rolled into a ponytail and he was wearing a dark blue shirt with black trousers, he didn't have any shoes on.

He stepped towards me and said "I understand that was hard for you, I'm sorry, Cheryl has a problem with keeping things a secret, but, is it true? What she said? Did you mean it?"

I felt so embarrassed, all I could do was give him a hesitant nod, I saw his face light up with happiness, he looked around, smiling.

I glanced at him, then he said "Well, the weathers picked up, do you wanna explore the rest of Neverland together?"

My embarrassment dissolved and I nodded my head eagerly, he smiled and said "I'll meet you here in half an hour, there's something I have to do first."

"Okay!" I answered.

We both went back inside, I made my way to my room, I went in and started to make myself look as good as possible, I had a few hours alone with Mikey, and after our feelings were all out in the blue now, anything could be possible.

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