Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

We made our way back to our rooms, now hand in hand, once there, he was about to go through his big door, but I kept a hold of his hand, he looked at our hands, then to me, one eyebrow raised, looking puzzled.

I gave him a cheeky smile, opened the door to my bedroom and dragged him in. To my surprise he didn't fight me, he followed me in with ease, I let go of his big hand, shut and locked the door behind us and turned back to face him.

He now looked scared, his teeth clenched together and his eyes wide with fear "What umm, what are, what...what are you doing?" he asked, his voice trembling.

I sympathised with him, "We are certainly not going to do what you're thinking!" I said, reassuring him.

His shoulders relaxed and he seemed to lighten up, I looked him up and down, he was still in his swimming trunks, still dripping, his eyes were focused on my chest, biting his lip. I sat on the bed and patted beside me, beckoning him to sit next to me, he looked hesitant. "We're just sitting down Mike!" I giggled. He came over and sat next to me.

"Why did you bring me in here?" he asked innocently.

"If I'm really honest, I...I wanted to thank you, for everything you've done, you've turned my life around completely in such short amount of time! If it wasn't for you I probably would have been beaten to a pulp by Jason. The I'm sick of being the damsel in distress, people think I can't look after myself, that I need rescuing from trouble all of the time, do you think I enjoy that? It's not how I want to live my life. I'm an individual, I like to do my own thing, thanks to you, you've made that possible, you got Jason locked away, you've given me the oppurtunity to know you, you've let me into your home, your've let me have you! Thank you..."

He reacted, his voice quiet, "Gurl, don't be silly, you don't have to thank me for anything, I did it out of the goodness of my own heart, I wanted to help you, I couldn't stand the thought of anyone hurting you, I felt the need to protect your innocent soul, I wouldn't regret any of it, because your mine now, you've also changed my life for the good, you're what I've wanted for a long time, so thank you, Grace!"

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