Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Michael's P.O.V.

I took one of her tiny hands in mine and looked her in the eyes, "Look, I know you're scared, nervous, whatever you are, but, trust me, my family aren't all that bad! Just...loud and erm, sorta attention seeking, that's all, as long as you talk back to them when they speak to you you'll get along just great!" I looked at her emotionless face, she didn't seem convinced.

"What if they don't like me?" She whispered with a distressed tone.

My heart melted, "Aww baby! There is no need to worry about that! Whatsoever! Trust me, act yourself and they'll love you by the end of today!"

A slight smile spread itself across her angelic face, suddenly a yawn overtook my body, I covered my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't be rude, I saw her giggling.

"Rough night last night Mike?" She questioned with amusement in her voice, I raised an eyebrow at her as I watched her rise from the sofa, did she know about last night or was she just asking an innocent question?

"Why?" I asked, not wanting to answer the question in case she knew.

She was walking away then turned round and said mockingly "Oh, no reason!" With a huge smile on her face, she winked at me before walking to the kitchen.

My heart was beating fast, did she know? Oh my god, what if she was laid there awake the whole time?! I was panicking, I began to run after her "Grace?!" I shouted.

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