Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

After a long, hard day at work I just couldn't wait to get home and have some well deserved me time, I walked swiftly out of the office block where I worked as a secretary, to my car, got in and drove straight home. As soon as I arrived I walked into my house and immediately crashed onto the sofa. I didn't even have enough energy to get changed out of my work clothes, but I found I had just enough energy left to reach over and grab my laptop, I started to browse the internet where, eventually, I decided to visit my favourite Michael Jackson Fan Page, I loved it as it gave me the opportunity to talk to other MJ fans. As I was scrolling through the pages a message from a fellow fan flashed upon my screen, the user was called 'The_Man_In_The_Mirror', the message was a simple "Hi" so I said it back, we began talking, 'The_Man_In_The_Mirror' then sent me a message which read "Please, tell me, what is your biggest wish?" I instantly knew what my biggest wish was, so I answered the question with "My biggest wish, is to meet Michael Jackson."

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