Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

He continued to breathe down my neck heavily, giving me goosebumps.

"Teach me how to kiss, gurl..." he said seductively.

I giggled and looked him in the eyes, I placed one of my hands on his hot chest.

"You can't be taught how to kiss, Mike, it just comes naturally, you haven't kissed me for long enough for you to try to do it properly..." I said smiling whilst running my finger up and down his tan chest, tracing around those solid abs, I looked back to his eyes, only to realise they were tightly closed, his head resting against the pool edge and he was biting down hard on his bottom lip. I carried on "No one taught me how to kiss, you just need someone experienced to kiss you first, let them take the lead, and then go with the flow, you soon get the hang of it..."

Meanwhile my hand was making its way lower down his body, ever so gently tracing around his prominent belly button, going lower and lightly letting my fingers explore his groin. He snatched my hand away and intertwined his fingers with mine, I smirked to myself, he wasn't ready for that yet, he will be soon...

His eyes were open again and he was standing straight, looking down at me, "Kiss me Grace" he hissed, "I want to learn to kiss you good, take the lead, kiss me babygurl."

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