Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

All the while I was thinking about this peculiar situation I'd forgotten that I was still holding the phone to my ear, obviously he was able to hear the rate of my ever increasing breathing, which, he found amusing to say the very least, I could hear muffled giggling, I couldn't help but smile at the angelic sound I was hearing, then I snapped back to reality. "Prove it" I said with force.

The giggling stopped. "Prove it?" he questioned "How?" My head was beginning to hurt with all these mind twisting games and things I never thought I'd ever have to think about. Then I had a unique brainwave!

"I want you to sing something, acapella, along with beatboxing" I knew not a lot of people could pull this off as well as Michael could, if he accomplished this task without any flaws, I will allow myself to believe that this really is Michael Jackson. "Jesus Christmas, you really know how to put a man on the spot, don't you" I opened my mouth to say something but got stopped in my tracks by loud, booming beats, he was beatboxing the introduction to Billie Jean. I was stunned to silence, it was just mesmerising, then he started to sing, it was saintlike, everything he was doing was perfection, from the vocal hiccups to the Hee Hee's, I never wanted this to end, he stopped when he reached the end of the chorus "How was that for you? Enough proof?" I had lost all ability to speak, I had warm tears trickling down my cheeks, I never cried, but this was too much, I had never heard something as pure as that, it was raw talent. "Yes" I said "That was more than enough proof"

It was true, I was speaking to Michael Joseph Jackson.

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