Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

The figure came into focus...

"JERMAINE JACKSON!! Take your  filthy hands off of Grace this instant young man! This is no way to treat a woman and especially is no way to get what you're after! This is Michael's girlfriend and you are not to touch her! You've done this too many times to your siblings Jermaine and I've had enough! No son of mine treats their brothers like that! Let Michael have what he deserves! Grace, sweetheart, come here, come to me."


Jermaine's hands dropped from my body, I ran into Kate's opens arms and she held my trembling body, she stroked my hair and comforted me, "Shush now darling, it's okay, I'm going to sort him out once and for all, he will regret this, it makes me sick to my stomach, I didn't raise him to do this, me and you are going to have a chat okay? You go and run along and wait for me in the games room, I'll catch you up right after I give Jermaine a piece of my mind."
I nodded and she freed me from her protective grasp, I started to make my way to the games room, I heard her shout.


I heard Jackie run towards Kate but I didn't see, I locked myself in the games room before I could see anything else unfurl and collapsed onto the sofa, I covered my face with my arm and began to cry and tremble, the reality was sinking in, Kate had just saved me from being raped by Jermaine.

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