Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Michael's P.O.V.

I marched her across the grass with me, I could see him, Jermaine.

Sometimes I'm ashamed to call him my brother.

I heard my other brothers shoot smart little comments my way but I completely ignored them, they hushed down anyway once they'd seen that I wasn't playing.

I went straight up to Jermaine, I was still holding Grace behind me, he was sat, playing with the grass, he saw us coming and looked up at me.

I grimaced as his left eye was black, blue and swollen, someone had already done to him what I wanted to do.

He stood up, I kept a little distance between us, I stared at him, I was full of anger, nothing else, just pure anger.

Neither of us said anything until I saw him cast a glance at Grace, I saw him smirk, that was it, I lost it.

"HOW DARE YOU! How dare you touch her in such a cannibalistic way Jermaine!" My voice was loud, aggressive and tempestuous.

I didn't want to wait for a pathetic answer from him, I carried on in rage.
"How could you even touch her pure and innocent soul like that?! Do you know what you've done to her?!"

I pushed Grace in front of me and lifted up her chin so that Jermaine could see the blue bruising that was starting to appear on her neck.

"Not only have you hurt her on the outside, you've hurt her internally too! You shouldn't touch anyone in that disgusting manner! What's more, you definitely shouldn't be touching Grace like that! Especially as she has nothing to do with you! She's my gurl Jermaine! Not yours! Do you hear me clearly? Shall I say it again? Because I'm proud to say it! She is MY gurl!"

I couldn't believe it, he didn't even seem regretful in the slightest, I got angrier but toned the volume of my voice down, "What do you think you would have achieved huh? Sex? Is that what you want from her? Because you're never gonna gonna get it. You see the problem with you Jermaine is that you think you're a king or something, when in fact you're no where near that. You're a cheap, nasty, sex crazed maniac who likes to sleep with his brothers girlfriends, now you better think yourself lucky that I don't believe in violence, because if I did, you'd have another black eye to match the one you already have. She's not your prey, Jermaine."

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