Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

I kept looking out of the window for a while.

After about ten minutes the bell went off to signal we could take off our seat belts and roam around the plane, I unfastened it but stayed sat down for the time being, it was going to be a long wait...What was I supposed to do for eleven and a half hours?!

I sighed and shut the curtain on my window, I was exhausted and hadn't slept since the night before, and the time now was 2:40am, I tilted back my seat and attempted to fall asleep but the exciting thought of Michael was preventing it from happening, eventually though, I did drift off to sleep.

I was jolted awake...turbulence.

The captain spoke again "Ladies and Gentlemen, we seem to be witnessing some slight turbulence, I advise you to buckle up and brace yourself for a bumpy few minutes, there is no need to worry, you are perfectly safe."

I buckled up, how long was I asleep for?

I got out my phone and looked at the time, 6:46am, I had slept for just over 4 hours, I wanted to sleep more but there was no chance of that what with this turbulence, but, at least I only had another seven and a half hours left of flight time.

After what seemed like a lifetime the turbulence stopped and we were able to take off our seat belts once again, I undid it and stood up, I made me way to the toilet, after, I went and sat down again, I opened the curtain and found that the sun was just beginning to rise, with the sun rising I noticed a sheet of sparkles, we were flying over the sea! I admired the beauty of the water beneath the plane and how it shimmered in the sun, that was the last thing I remember seeing as I fell back into a peaceful sleep once again.

I began dreaming...

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