Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

The time was 6:12am, I was beginning to feel extremely jet lagged, I was struggling to keep my eyes open, Michael must have noticed as he said, "Another ten minutes and we will be at Neverland, you need to rest and get some energy, I advise you sleep today, the real fun will begin tomorrow when you're back to normal!"

I smiled a sleepy smile and nodded in agreement, I managed to ask him one thing "Where will I be staying? In the guest house?"

He answered "Of course not! You're staying in the main house with me, I thought it was only fair seeing as though you let me stay in your house."

Could things get any better?!
Shortly I felt the limo slowly come to a halt, I looked out the front windscreen and saw two huge gold gates slowly swinging open, at the top of the gates it said Neverland.


The limo began to drive through the gates and up the extremely long driveway, I was staring out the window, the greenery went on for miles around, there were amazing statues, fountains and sculptures all over the place, eventually, hidden well out of sight was the house, it was a gorgeous old English, tudor styled house, with huge class windows and wooden stakes, brightly coloured flowers were everywhere you looked, perfectly gardened and trimmed to perfection, I was so indulged in the surroundings I was startled when Ray opened my door, I got out and I instantly felt the warm sun on my skin, it was so warm here!
Under my feet was a cobbled pathway, I felt as if I was in one of my wildest dreams, Michael came up behind me and took my suitcase off of Ray, Ray got back into the limo and went to park up.

"Do you like it?" Michael whispered.

I nodded in astonishment.

"Come on" he said, "Let's get you rested up."

He began to walk to the door, he took out a gold key and unlocked it, he swung it open.

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