Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

Before I had the chance to respond to Mikey I felt two slim arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Ugh, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you god!" She was whispering, she pulled away and looked at me, "I'd hate to see my little brother with an ugly girl! And you darling, are far from ugly! I'm Latoya, but lets cut straight to the friendliness, you can call me Toya sweetie, oh you're gonna fit in just fine with the Jackson Family!"

I was taken aback by her comment, but nevertheless quite flattered, I watched her scurry off to the kitchen.

"MIKE!! I've missed you so much!" I watched as Mikey was sharing a loving hug with what looked to be a younger sister of his, one of his hands were round her waist whilst the other was on the back of her head, his face nuzzling into her hair.

"Oh Janet, I've missed you..." he whispered.

Once their hug was over she casted a glance over in my direction.

"Mike, whose this?" she asked, looking at me.

Mikey chuckled, "Janet, this is someone I would like you to meet, this is Grace, my girlfriend!"

Her eyes bulged, she turned to Mikey, "You have a girlfriend?! Since when?!"

Her face had lit up even more, Michael was giggling away to himself.

Janet approached me, "Hi I'm Janet! Welcome to the family!"

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

Janet turned back to Mikey, "Mike! She's beautiful! See, after all those years of doubting yourself about not being able to get a gurl, it turns out you were wrong! And I was right! I told you you'd get someone!" She skipped off into the kitchen.

I found myself smiling, Mikey was smiling too, "Well, now you've met all my sisters, I think it's time to meet my brothers, you ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

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