Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

We were sat at the top of this beautiful meadow, the sun shining down on us...a new couple.

Neither of us could stop smiling, eventually we occupied ourselves by eating the picnic that Mikey had packed for us, things like sandwiches, crisps, cake and pie, we ate the lot and before long both of us were nearly at bursting point.

We were sat on the blanket, me on one side and Mikey on the other, sat across from me, the breeze was making my hair blow, but it was a warm, calm breeze, I looked at Mikey, I noticed him staring at me in a way I haven't seen before, his head cocked to one side, his lips together, forming a slight smile, I watched as he moved from his sitting position, rocking himself forward until he was on all fours, still staring at me, biting down on his bottom lip he began to crawl towards me slowly, I was sat with my legs flat and leaning back onto my hands, soon enough he had both his hands and both his knees on either side of my legs, his face centimetres from mine, still biting his lip he edged ever nearer until the tip of his nose was brushing against mine, all I could see was his mesmerising eyes, hypnotising me with their beauty.

I was beginning to get nervous, anticipating what was about to happen made my heart beat faster and my breathing irregular, he seemed to like the effect he had on me as he smiled a little.

He leaned in even closer, hesitating when our lips were millimetres apart, eventually though, temptation got the better of him and he gently planted his perfect, soft, warm lips onto mine, he leaned forward, making the kiss harder, and more lustful, I closed my eyes, taking in his scent, my world exploded into mixed feelings of passion, lust...disbelief.

This kiss was perfect, passionate, beautiful and...with Michael Jackson...the perfect first kiss...

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