Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Michael's P.O.V.

God, how I love feeling her close to my body, there's something about her, an aura, it's exquisite, she really is something special, she already has her own place in my heart.

It seems my deep thoughts had blocked out the verisimilitude of the world, causing me to miss what she was saying.

"Mikey?" her sweet voice interrupted my imaginary world.

"Yeah?" I gladly answered her.

She was looking up at me with the most beautiful, delicate green eyes, I smiled at her beauty. "How come you've never had a girlfriend before?"

I was shocked by this statement, it left me feeling embarrased! "What makes you say that gurl?" I asked her.

"Well, I just don't understand how no one has been attracted to you, I mean, you're like...perfect, in every possible way!"

I was bewildered by her, no one has ever called me perfect, my heart beat faster, wow, I sure do have a lot of feelings for her. I answered her question the best I could, "Well, I've had a lot of people attracted to me, I've never understood why, I've always found myself undesirable, I'm a performer gurl, performers get groupies, they want to be your girlfriend, well, that's what they say, but really...they want to use us for their own sexual fantasies. They want to use me for my body, my fame and my money, I don't want that in a gurl, I want someone I am attracted too, someone who likes me for being me, someone who over looks the fame, the fans and the fortune, someone who doesn't use me to get famous themselves, someone who is attracted to the man I really am, out of the spotlight, someone who couldn't care less if I was famous, someone who treats me as though i'm not famous at all.
I'd never found anyone like that, until I met you."

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