Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

He led me in through the doorway, "Mike! I'm fine!" I protested.

"I know you are, I just wanna make sure..." he said back, leading me to the kitchen, he picked me up and sat me on a kitchen counter, he went over to the sink where he got some tissue and dampened it under the water from the tap, he delicately took one of my bleeding hands and dabbed at the blood with the tissue, I looked at his expression, being careful not to hurt me, he was so caring and lovely to me, I couldn't wish for better, I looked at his delicate beauty, I think I was falling in love with him.

Was I?

He took some more damp tissue and pressed it where the hole in my swim suit was, he cleaned my wound and moved onto the gory gashes on thighs.

He took yet more damp tissue and went to tend to my injuries, before he touched me, he looked at me, "Are you okay with me doing this? On...umm, on your legs?" He asked embarrassed.

It would be the first time he would actually touch my legs...and my bare skin, he was such a gentleman.

I nodded and let him carry on, he cleaned the cuts, making me wince as it stung, he took one of my hands and stroked the top of my hand with his thumb to calm me, soon he had finished cleaning me up and lifted me back up off the kitchen counter and placed me on the floor.

I hugged him tightly, "Thank you Mikey..." I said into his chest.

"Anything for my gurl..." he said back, I smiled, I liked hearing him say that.

I looked outside, dusk was fast approaching, the sky had turned various shades of indigo, orange and pink, the sun setting in the distance of Neverland, the chatter of his family outside, and the heartbeat of Michael was all I could hear.

"We might wanna get an early night tonight." Mikey said.

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