Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.

Jackie burst through the door way, picking Mikey up and spinning around with him.

"Argh! Jackie, stop!" Mike laughed.

He placed him down, Jackie's hands on Mike's shoulders, "My little brother is growing up! Got himself an...awesome house, which I'm envious of, a mega career that I'm very proud of, and now an amazing gurl, which I am very jealous of! You've done good Mike, real good, are you happy?" Jackie asked.

"More than ever!" Smiled Mike.

"You know why you're happy Mike?  Because of this hot chick right here." Jackie said putting his arm around me, he kissed my cheek and I giggled.
"Don't let him get too drunk okay? You're pretty amazing Grace!" He hugged me, "I'll make sure it's not too long until I see the two of you again!"

He waved and started to walk off, he turned around, walking backwards, "You're looking at your future Best Man right here! Y'know what I'm saying?!"

Lastly came Tito, "Imma have to arrange for you all to come chill at mine for a while! Sound good, yeah!? Had a real good time! Now Michael, what have I always told you, since you were very small? Say it to me!"

Mike murmured something.

"I'm sorry, what was that? Louder" laughed Tito.

Mikey sighed loudly, "Always use protection unless babies are wanted."

"Thank you! You better remember that boy!" Tito was almost killing himself laughing.

I was giggling too, Tito came to me, "Give me some love Missy!" He said bear hugging me, he whispered in my ear, "You remember what I told you? About what gets him going? Don't forget it, you can thank me later!" He put me down, "I think we've bonded pretty good, my love goes out to you Grace, for a lot of reasons, I'll catch ya later Missy, see ya Mike!"

He walked off, "Bye sissy!" I called after him.

Tito turned around, "Better go buy some condoms huh Mike?!" He laughed.

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