Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Grace's P.O.V.

He was breathing hard, I hope I haven't scared him, I wasn't going to do anything to him, I know he's not ready for that yet, I was just trying to make his discomfort go away.

I let him speak while I listened to him, "I'm scared of the...sexual side to a relationship, I know it's silly but I can't help it, I-I always thought I'd be able to live my life without... anything like that, but since I've had you that's changed, you make me feel, umm, you make me feel like I want you and I find myself imagining doing things with you, you've opened up another world, I have desires for you, but I'm too scared to carry them out.
I'm scared about you touching me and seeing my body, I've never had that experience with somebody to know what it's like, what if I don't react the right way or you don't like what you see? That scares me to death! Also, I'm scared about touching you, what if I don't do it right or...or you don't enjoy it? I don't wanna hurt you!" His voice was quiet but distressed.

"Mikey, don't be daft, I think it's impossible to not react properly, just let nature take its course, I'm sure I will more than like what I see, your perfect in every way and you have no other reason to think otherwise.
As for me, well I wouldn't make you do anything you don't want to do, and I'm sure you would say the same about me, everyone starts out where you are, experience and experimentation is the key. Besides, I think you think I'm more experienced than I really am..."

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