kylo/reader/hux- little black dress

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Hi it's been a while but I decided to make this chapter because my Star Wars phase came back faster than a 90's trend after going to Disneyland. This was inspired by Little Black Dress by One Direction. Enjoy I guess. Also, my old writing was super cringy and embarrassing I'm so sorry lmao.


You stared at yourself in the mirror as you coated your lips with dark red lipstick.

It was the biggest night of the year at the First Order base. It was the annual gala.

You liked to refer to it as the fundraiser for blowing up planets and acting like terrorists.

You sighed as you leaned back and examined yourself.

You wore a tight sparkly black dress which hugged your curves perfectly. The v neck of the dress showed just enough of your cleavage. Your neck was complemented with a simple silver necklace and you wore heart-shaped silver earrings. Your arms were bare except for the simple charm bracelet on your wrist. You paired the outfit with matching black heels.

Checking yourself out in the mirror one last time you smirked at your reflection and twirled.

You were going to be the center of attention.


Kylo Ren tugged at the collar of his suit frustratedly.

His usually dark unruly hair was brushed and he had a black suit with a matching shiny black bowtie.

He was extremely uncomfortable and wanted to be in his usual loose airy robes and to be wearing his large mask to make him look intimidating. Without his mask, he felt exposed.

Oh, how he despised the annual First Order gala. And oh how his appearance at this event was mandatory otherwise he'd be punished by Supreme Leader Snoke.

Now here he was standing by General Hux's side like a pet greeting guests.

General Hux always enjoyed these events. Although he hated meeting new people he knew that showing them kindness would mean them donating to the First Order. Following that Supreme Leader Snoke would always reward him with a raise.

General Hux liked to dress up and was very happy in his black suit with a blood-red tie. His ginger hair was slicked back with a single strand falling on his pale face.

"How long do I have to stay here," Kylo clicked his tongue with annoyance as Hux turned towards him with a look on disgust on his face.

"Oh you can go back to your quarters but I'd have to report it to the Supreme Leader and then you'd be punished greatly," the ginger grinned maliciously as Kylo glared daggers at him.

That's when they both saw you entering the large ballroom.

It was as if everything stopped. Everything around you was blurry as you offered the people around you a winning smile and then started towards your commanding officers.

Kylo Ren's jaw dropped. Now he really wished he had his mask on.

"Lieutenant Y/N, my don't you look stunning today," General Hux scanned your body up and down. His ocean blue eyes rested for a moment on your cleavage before looking up into your eyes.

"Why thank you General Hux it's nice to see you too and you also look really good," you smiled politely at him and batted your eyelashes at him.

He really did. He always did.

"Commander Ren you also look great," you gave a slight bow.

Kylo Ren was always hot as well. You never found him intimidating even with the mask. You found it childish actually but he was attractive and cute so you let it slide.

With all the courage he could muster he muttered a small thank you.

"Well I'm going to be on the dance floor I'll see you both later," you said as you gently touched Kylo's arm and moved over to the large dance floor.

Kylo could not hide the red that burst onto his cheeks.

The two men turned around to watch you dance to New Romantics by Taylor Swift.

"Yeah go Earth girl!" they heard someone hoot.

"She looks very beautiful," Kylo commented.

"Hmm, she's going to look even more beautiful once I tear off that sexy dress of hers," Hux licked his lips as Kylo whipped his head towards him in anger.

"You're not going to get anywhere near her," the commander growled as he clenched his fists.

"Oh, really, and who's going to stop me when I'm pleasuring her tonight," the general lifted his chin up with arrogance.

Kylo lifted his hand up making Hux fly up and swerve into a wall causing him to groan.

The people in the ballroom all stopped to watch.

You immediately stopped dancing and went to see what was going on.

Hux had his hands on his neck and kicked his legs up and down making a gargled sound as Kylo Ren had his hand lifted up

You gasped and ran up to the two and put your hand on Kylo's.

"Stop it, Commander you're making a scene," you whispered making the larger man swipe his eyes over the crowd who looked shocked and traumatized.

He then looked over at your concerned eyes and then dropped the general who landed on the floor with a loud thud.

You crouched beside the general and helped him up.

His neck was turning a purple color.

"General are you alright?" you questioned as the ginger-haired man coughed.

"I'm alright now Lieutenant Y/N, thank you," Hux said as he put a hand on your elbow making your breath hitch and your heart start pounding.

"Now what even led up to this?" you questioned curiously as you cocked your head to the side.

"You actually," Kylo Ren whispered embarrassedly as he stared down at the silver necklace that hung from your neck.

You hummed thoughtfully for a moment.

"What about me?"

Hux looked nervous for a moment not wanting to hear your reaction.

"General Hux here was saying some very dirty things about you and I told him to stop and when he wouldn't I- you know," Kylo sighed deeply.

"So you were jealous?" a small grin formed on your face as you twirled a strand of your hair. Your full attention was onto him.

Kylo clenched his jaw as he stared down at your thighs.

"Thought so so here's the situation boys," you looked at the both of them as you grabbed their hands and pulled them close.

"I think you both find me attractive," you paused waiting for them to deny but they both said nothing but nodded.

"Well good news, I find both of you attractive so here's what I'm thinking," you cleared your throat as Hux raised his eyebrows.

"A little threeway situation could work," your red lips formed a smirk as Kylo's jaw dropped once again.

"I'd want you to myself though," the general got closer to you and put his hands on your hips.

You saw Kylo clench his fists. His Adam's apple bobbed.

"I don't think Kylo would like that and to be honest I'd want to be with him as well. I heard he's wild in bed," you winked as Kylo rolled his eyes and bit on his cheek.

"So boys do we have a deal?" you questioned the two superior officers who looked down on you eagerly.

"Yes," they both stated in unison.

"Well then after this party let's get our party started," you smirked as you swayed your hips and went back onto the dance floor.

"Good lord she's killing me," Kylo sucked in a breath as he stared after your retreating form in awe.

"Me as well, Ren, me as well," Hux agreed with him for the first time in his life.

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