luke- breaking rules

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This takes place after Return of the Jedi if you wanted a timeline :) Also this is a bit cheesy not gonna lie. It's my first Luke imagine so I didn't know what to do.

Imagine Luke having a crush on you and telling his sister Leia about his crush encouraging him to break the Jedi code just to love you. Or to keep it a secret. He's conflicted. Also this a little bit of brother/sister bonding with Leia and Luke:D

It was known around the whole base that you loved Luke Skywalker. It was pretty obvious to everyone. And Luke's sister Leia wanted it to happen. She often played matchmaker and was really good. All of the couples she put together were happy. She just wasn't completely sure if Luke liked you back so she approached him about it. 

He was training with his green lightsaber.

"Hey Luke!" she said then hugged him and ruffled his hair.

"Hey, Leia, what's up?" he asked with his usual adorable grin. She laughed. "Nothing much, I just had a little question" Leia replied then motioned for him to sit.

 "Ask away," he said putting down his lightsaber and then sat beside her on a nearby bench.

"Do you know Y/N L/N, the incredible pilot?" she asked. That brought a blush to his cheeks. 

"Uh, yeah?"

"Do you have a crush on her?"

Luke didn't know if he had a crush on her. He didn't even fully understand what the concept of a crush was. He had never had a crush before. Not on Tatooine for sure. All the girls there were annoying.

 But Y/N was different. Whenever Y/N was around and she did a cute little wave he would always end up with butterflies in his stomach. And he always stole glances at her. He liked it when she had her hair up. He liked it when she wore different clothes. And whenever she was close his heart would start pounding hard and dramatically.

 Was this love?

"Repeat the question?" he asked her then shook his head. "Do you like Y/N, like in a romantic way?"

"I don't know, what is love?"

"Oh, Luke you're so innocent!" Leia laughed then grabbed his cheek like he was a little baby. He swatted her hand away playfully. 

She sighed dreamily. 

"Love is daydreaming about your special someone, love is always looking at them, love is your heart going up when your special someone is around," She laughed breathlessly. 

Luke knew how she felt so much love for the smuggler, Han Solo. 

"Love is when you feel a good sick when your crush is around,"

That's exactly the way he felt about Y/N!

"Then yes I think I have a "crush" on Y/N," he did air quotes when he said crush. 

"But I think it might be more than a crush," Luke pondered on this. It was definitely more than a crush, it was much stronger.

Leia squealed. "That means you're in love!"

Luke's face paled and his eyes widened. They were enormous.

 "I'm not supposed to have romantic feelings towards another person, it's not the way of the Jedi!" he pulled his straw blonde hair in stress.

"Woah Woah, calm down Luke," she said softly then grabbed his hands. He didn't look at her. 

She sighed. It was unfortunate that for the first time one of the couples she wanted to match wouldn't come together.

"Okay then, but I just wanted to let you know that Y/N felt the same way, she said that she felt that the two of you had a connection" she turned and departed.

"WAIT!" he called. She turned. 

"I'll break it, the code, even though I was looking forward to becoming a Jedi master," he sighed.

Leia looked at him and saw how much he wanted to become a Jedi master. He had been dreaming about it for so long after the last war.

"Why don't you just keep it a secret?"

"Huh?" Luke narrowed his eyes with confusion. 

 What a dud Leia thought. She sighed clearly frustrated. 

"Luke I swear to God if you don't know what a secret is..."

"I know what a secret is, Leia, it's just, I would be breaking a promise, rules..." he was conflicted for sure.

"Let me put it like this would you rather break a rule or be with Y/N?" she cocked her head to aside.

He answered almost immediately. "Be with Y/N,"

"Then what are you waiting for go ask her out, but tell her it's going to be a secret relationship ok?"

He nodded and before he left to ask you out he kissed Leia's forehead. 

"Thank you, sis you always know what's best for me and I love you for it,"

And Luke made the best decision of his life that day. He was blessed with you as his new girlfriend and soon his wife. And years after the two of you would raise wonderful, beautiful children together.

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