hux- competition

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Imagine General Hux being jealous of you because you were promoted and liked by Supreme Leader Snoke.

 You were a lieutenant general and under General Hux and one of Hux's closest friends. One day, you and General Hux were summoned by Supreme Leader Snoke at the same time. While you were walking you asked him "General, sir do you know why the Supreme Leader has summoned us?" you asked him. 

"Y/N, you know that you don't have to call me that, it's just the two of us," he said with a smile that sent a blush to your cheeks. You certainly hoped that he didn't notice this.

"Ok, Armitage do you know why the Supreme Leader has called us?"  The general shrugged his shoulders. He sure liked it when you said his name though.

 "I have no clue, maybe he's updating us about how the battles against the rebel scum are going," You laughed because you loved it when he said rebel scum. You were just as passionate about defeating the Resistance as he was.

"Mommy, I'm scared" a little Y/N sniffled as war canons and gunfire boomed in the distance. The resistance was coming to destroy your planet because it had supported the Empire in the years before. Your mother, your innocent, beautiful mother put a strand of your hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead. "Y/N sweetie, it's ok to be scared sometimes but we have to be quiet, just snuggle close," she said kissing both your cheeks. You sunk into your mother's lap shivering. Your father was meanwhile forced into the army to protect your little planet. However, your mother had the feeling that he was gone. She had the feeling in her heart that he was gone and so did you.


The next boom was even closer to the small hut you both lived in. You screamed. Your mother put a hand on your mouth gently making you feel calmer. She stroked your hair and sang your favorite song to you. Your heart pounded. You could feel hers pounding too. Could it be our hut next?  you thought. You shivered while your mother cuddled with you. Her lips pressed to your forehead.


You couldn't hear anything. Something was echoing in your brain. Your head hurt and blood was oozing from your head. Your lip was bruised."MOTHER!" you yelled while tears streamed down your face. "MOTHER!" you called. "MOTHER WHERE ARE YOU!" "SOMEONE HELP MY MOTHER!"


You paused in your path and Hux put a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, are you alright?" he asked with complete sympathy.

 "Yes, let's just get this over with so we can blow up some rebel scum," your voice was gravelly.

The two of you arrived at Supreme Leader Snoke's room and bowed towards him. "Supreme Leader, sir," you said with a smile. 

"Lieutenant General L/N, General Hux, glad that the two of you could join me," he smiled. A very ugly smile if you ask me you thought then stifled a laugh. He has a lot of wrinkles on his big bald head.

"I'm going to ignore what you were thinking Lieutenant General," the Supreme Leader said shooting you an icy glare. 

"I actually came to tell you how spectacular you have been doing and how much closer we've gotten to destroying the rebels" he complimented. "Thank you, Supreme Leader," you said practically glowing. 

General Hux didn't like it. How the Supreme Leader was admiring your efforts even though they were gallant and brave. He couldn't be jealous he thought. How could I be jealous of the person I'm in love with?

"That's why I'd like for you to become a General," Supreme Leader Snoke said. 

You were speechless. 

"Why Supreme Leader...this truly is an honor," you sputtered. You couldn't hide the grin on your face. You looked back at Hux who was fuming.

"She's taking my job? My job after all the amazing work I'VE done, she hasn't even been here as long as I have Supreme Leader!?" he said angrily his whole face red.

Supreme Leader Snoke thrust his hand up choking Hux then tossing him on the floor. 

You shuddered. 

"You stupid boy!" he growled. "You will both be co-generals, you will be working together, I have not forgotten about you, you fool!" he snarled.

General Hux stood up and readjusted his black robes. You closed your eyes and waited for him to stand next to you. You couldn't believe that he was jealous. Of you. For some reason, it filled you up with pride. 

He then put his hand on your shoulder. 

"It will be a pleasure working with you, General L/N," he smiled. You could tell that it was forced. You smiled back at him almost mocking him.

 "And you, General Hux,"

After you left the Supreme Leader's room. You started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" he asked angrily. 

"You're jealous of me!" you said in a sing-song voice. 

"I AM NOT!" he said letting his temper get the best of him. You laughed even more until your face turned red. 

"Little Armitage is jealous, little ginger is jealous," you said rubbing his head making his hair messed up. He gently swatted your hands away. "Stop it this instant!" he yelled.

"Awww, you're cute when your mad," you giggled then gave him a peck on the cheek and rushed out of the hallway.

He put his hand on the spot you kissed him on and smiled. 

"Looks like I have some competition,"

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